The target species, i.e., the species subject to protection, was chosen based on Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and is the Sardinian discoglossus (Discoglossus sardus). It is a medium-sized amphibian that lives mainly in ponds and marshes up to 1200 m above sea level and is the target beneficiary species.
The actions of the project aimed at improving the habitats of the Sardinian discoglossus will indirectly produce benefits also for other species that populate the same habitats, i.e., the species of vertebrates and invertebrates that live in those habitats, using them as a refuge, to feed, to rest during migrations and to reproduce themselves. Among these animals we find:
- Sylvia undata. Dartford warbler. It is an insectivorous bird close to the threat of extinction due to the continuous erosion of its habitat along the coasts.
- Lanius collurio. Red-backed shrike. It is a bird that can be recognized very easily thanks to its “bandit mask” on its head. It lives in meadows and cultivated fields and feeds on insects and even other birds that have just come out of the nest. The Italian population is classified as “vulnerable” by the IUCN due to the transformation of the habitat.
- Caprimulgus europaeus. European nightjar. Although not yet threatened according to the IUCN, this species is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC). It is a medium-sized bird with nocturnal habits that feeds mainly on insects. The name “nightjar” derives from an ancient belief according to which this animal feeds on the blood of goats and other grazing animals. In reality, the nightjar is often found near these animals due to the presence of insects associated with them.
- Ficedula hypoleuca. European pied flycatcher. It is a small bird that feeds on insects and prefers wooded environments. The male, in its summer dress, has the upper part of the body completely black, including the wings, which carry a small white band like the lower part of the body. It is easy to recognize but due to its living habitats it is difficult to spot.
- Ficedula albicollis. Collared flycatcher. Unlike the European pied flycatcher, this small bird features a white collar that breaks up the black colour of the upper body. It too is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and is a fairly rare species, albeit homogeneously distributed in Italy.
- Phylloscopus (Various species). These birds are also called “luì” in Italian for their classic sound.
- Euleptes europaea. European leaf-toed gecko. It is a small gecko, the smallest in Europe. It lives in rocky areas, on dry stone walls and in abandoned farmhouses. It comes out mainly at night to hunt larvae and adult insects and small molluscs. This species is listed in Appendix II of the Bern Convention and in Appendix II, IV of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Protected by regional laws in Liguria and Tuscany
As regards the plant world:
- Brassica procumbens. Cavolo prostrato (in Italian). Species with North African and South European distribution, present in Europe in two locations only (Corsica and the Giglio Island)
- Gagea granatelli var. obtusiflora. Plant with a yellow flower commonly called in Italy “cipollaccio giallo di Granatelli” (yellow onion of Granatelli). It is a perennial herbaceous plant with underground bulbs distributed in various regions of Italy.
- Quercus ilex and Q. rotundifolia. They are two large oaks, commonly called holm oak and holly oak, which constitute evergreen woods typical of Mediterranean environments.